Assessing your ITAM program’s strengths and weaknesses will help you understand the effort it will take to manage cloud assets and the improvements you need to make.
What will your discovery tool discover? How effective will your usage tool be in monitoring usage?
Like software assets, the terms and conditions are critical for managing vendor performance, costs, and risks.
If your tools do not provide the information you need to manage cloud assets, what reports can the vendor provide to help?
You will need access to the cloud contracts, including the service level agreement and access to the people using the cloud assets to manage the cloud vendor effectively.
The cloud asset is a new type of IT asset that comes with its own unique challenges. And while you can leverage knowledge and experience from managing other asset types, you will need to expand your skill set to become a successful cloud asset manager.
Learn more about The Definitive Guide to Cloud Asset Management, BTU's specialized IT asset management training course, and become a Certified Cloud Asset Manager today!
Our expertise enables individuals to advance their ITAM program for the future by providing next level IT Asset Management best practices knowledge. These practices create a symbiotic relationship between ITAM and departments such as IT Security, IT, Finance, and HR by working in tandem to provide heightened information quality which significantly reduces risks, creates greater financial benefits, further enhances compliance, and increases efficiencies.
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