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WHITE PAPER: The ITAM Value Ecosystem

The Reality of ITAM Value Across the Organization

ITAM Value Ecosystem, IT Asset Management White Paper

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If you ask anyone what IT Asset Management is, you will probably get a different answer each time. Most of the definitions of benefactors, practitioners, and consultants are based on personal experiences and implementations. Are their definitions wrong? Not necessarily! It is their perspective that has value when selling the need for ITAM. In this paper, we discuss the benefits of ITAM when ITAM is viewed as an ecosystem and not just a special interest.

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Our expertise enables individuals to advance their ITAM program for the future by providing next level IT Asset Management best practices knowledge. These practices create a symbiotic relationship between ITAM and departments such as IT Security, IT, Finance, and HR by working in tandem to provide heightened information quality which significantly reduces risks, creates greater financial benefits, further enhances compliance, and increases efficiencies.

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