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ITAM Primer - The Program Manager's Guide to IT Asset Management

Part 7: Conclusion

“To know what you know and what you do not know, that is true knowledge.” — Confucius


The sad reality is that ITAM still struggles to get the executive buy-in and support it deserves. The concept of a program is not new. For example, product companies have product managers who implement a program that spans multiple departments. Other asset types have executive management’s attention too. For example, airline executives know how their fleet performs daily. The executives can see the direct link between the planes as an asset and the company’s revenue and profit. So is all hope lost trying to implement an ITAM Program? I don’t think so.

IT is a very young profession, and ITAM is even younger, especially compared to other professions like doctors or accountants. People were performing operations before there was a governing body. Operations were performed before there was a clear understanding of sterilization! The same holds for accounting. People filled the role of an accountant before there was a certification, a governing body, or even a title! The ITAM community must understand the need for the marketing and sales of ITAM. ITAM is complicated for multiple reasons, including the speed by which technology changes, the number of people contributing to the program, and the tools needed for automation and data curation. Progress has been made, but we are still in the crawl phase of this profession.

ITAM Program Overview

The complexity of the ITAM Program includes executive management support, the number of IT asset types, the complexity of the assets, the size of the organization, the geographic locations of the organization, and the organization’s culture. But if asked, “what is the biggest challenge to implementing an ITAM Program?” the answer must be “people.” The mission of the ITAM Program cannot be expressed in a single statement but instead in a hierarchy of missions, with each one satisfying the needs of the functional areas. For example, a separate ITAM mission statement exists for finance, legal, and IT, with all missions rolling up to the top-level mission statement that describes what ITAM’s mission is for the organization.

Organizational Data Flow

If asked, “what does the ITAM Program deliver?” the answer is information. This is the quintessential expectation of all ITAM customers. Unfortunately, this expectation is easier said or asked than done. Complete and accurate information depends on complete and accurate data. This data is created by a series of events that involve tools, processes, and people. People follow processes using tools for automation that produces data that ITAM then curates to deliver information. Information is the lifeblood for managing IT assets, whether you are in IT, IT security, legal, finance, or some other role.

To summarize, ITAM exists if you have IT. ITAM is a core competency because an organization cannot compete without IT. The need for ITAM evolved due to the decentralization of management and the affordability of IT. ITAM has several definitions depending on the context, contributing to the challenge of describing ITAM to the organization. The organization comprises several functional areas where most, if not all, can benefit from an ITAM Program. The lifecycle of an IT asset needs to be managed to produce complete and trustworthy data curated by ITAM. Suppliers of IT products and services must be managed to maximize value and reduce risk. Tools are necessary for the ITAM Program because of the automation required to collect data. Chances are that your organization is behind on implementing an ITAM Program. 

Years have gone by with little to no discipline in managing assets. Correcting these transgressions will take some time and requires an engineering approach to start the program and then make incremental improvements. ITAM is a sound investment for any organization because it benefits many people and functional areas, continuing to pay for itself year over year.


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