An economic downturn is a stressful and hectic time for an organization. For IT Asset Management, it could be a time when you find out how well your program works. It may also be when you find out how much your ITAM program is valued by executive management.
An organization’s typical response to an economic downturn is downsizing, thus resulting in some number of IT assets no longer in use.
FREE ITAM training addresses these issues and more.
If you have concerns about your organization’s financial health or want to validate your program’s readiness, this workshop is a must-see.
Our expertise enables individuals to advance their ITAM program for the future by providing next level IT Asset Management best practices knowledge. These practices create a symbiotic relationship between ITAM and departments such as IT Security, IT, Finance, and HR by working in tandem to provide heightened information quality which significantly reduces risks, creates greater financial benefits, further enhances compliance, and increases efficiencies.
We have the practical, best practice knowledge you need.
Whether you are contemplating digital transformation or are currently managing SaaS, PaaS, and IaaS, we are here to guide your way.
We will show you how ITAM can be IT Security's proactive arm.
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