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Is it Time to Go All-In on DaaS?

How do you know if your organization is ready for DaaS?

The Business Value of DaaS

The concept of Device-as-a-Service or DaaS is nothing new. On the surface, what is new is how much easier it is to manage end-user devices, their cost, and to some degree, their commoditization. But what is the business value of DaaS?

  • For ITAM, detailed and up to date information provided by the DaaS vendor on all assets that are deployed

  • For IT, allowing greater focus on the systems that provide greater value to the business

  • For IT and finance, a chargeback or showback program with all the benefits that come from such a program

  • For IT service desk, reduced workload through a transition to level 1.5 support (more on 1.5 support later)

  • For IT security, vendor-provided security allowing IT security to focus on increasing the organization’s security position within their chosen security framework

  • For end-users, more focused support, especially for the new work from home population

  • For the environment, an industry compliant, evidence based ITAD program

Of course, all of this value depends on two critical factors – vendor performance and your organization’s ability to monitor that performance.

What does “all-in” mean for DaaS? All-in encompasses the following:

  • Applies minimally to all users whose IT assets can be standardized

  • All end-user devices – laptops, desktops, tablets, phones, and software

  • The organization specifies the IT standards for its users


  • Procurement of organization specified hardware

  • Software installation and configuration

  • Shipping

  • Installing

  • Level 1 service desk support for installation, break/fix, office software

  • Business systems issues are escalated to the organization’s level “1.5” support

  • Level 2 support provided by the organization

  • Hardware refresh

  • Hardware disposal

  • Data backup

  • Software/firmware patch management

  • Security management and monitoring

  • Location tracking

  • User assignment

This all-in approach can seem daunting causing an organization to take a piecemeal approach to DaaS. But a piecemeal approach may significantly hinder the value an organization can realize from DaaS not to mention the complexities introduced due to poorly scoped and defined separation of responsibilities between the organization and the vendor.

DaaS can bring significant value to an organization, freeing up resources to focus on IT initiatives that bring more business value to its customers and shareholders. But this value can only be realized if the DaaS vendor is managed appropriately and managed to a well written SLA.

How do you know if your organization is ready for DaaS? Perhaps it is as simple as asking one question:

Is deploying and managing the end user’s computing devices a core competency of my business?

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